What is IANS?
As a statewide nursing organization dedicated to representing nursing students, we are committed to taking an active role in the nursing profession. By providing opportunities for professional engagement, we strive to strengthen the connection between education and the nursing profession. Our mission is to empower nursing students to seamlessly integrate their academic knowledge with practical experience, fostering a deeper understanding and commitment to their future roles in healthcare.
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Click each position to view roles and responsibilities
The principal officer of IANS and ensure the IANS board is growing not only as an organization, but individually as up and coming leaders. He/she leads monthly, group board meetings, ensures filing of taxes, appoints special committees for the organization, encourages further involvement with IANS from students all over the state, and serves as the spokesperson for the organization.
o Time Commitment: 10hrs/ week
The main responsibility is to plan the annual IANS convention with help of other committee members. He/she can assist the president in his/her duties.
o Time Commitment: 10hrs/ week
Takes detailed minutes during each monthly board meeting. He/she will submit those minutes to the NSNA. He/she collaborates with the President each month to make each monthly meeting agenda.
o Time Commitment: 5hrs/ week
Takes time to prepare the annual budget, ensuring each expenditure that is made for convention, scholarships, incoming donations, and other various spending fits into the budget. He/she ensures that each expenditure is submitted and approved by the board each meeting. Submits Reimbursement Requests to the board for their approval. Reports to the board the spending at the monthly meetings since the last Board Meeting.
o Time Commitment: 5hrs/ week
Aims to improve the image of nursing by planning projects to break negative nursing stereotypes. Example of this is the Annual Teddy Bear Clinic
o Time Commitment: 2hrs/ week
Aims to increase the number of disaster prepared student nurses, by promoting and hosting national disaster preparedness and relief programs to IANS members. The main goal is to improve community health across the state.
o Time Commitment: 2hrs/ week
Create a quarterly newsletter to inform IANS members about the current status of board discussions, upcoming events, activities in nursing occurring across the state, and the progress of the IANS board. This newsletter is sent out to all the members and posted on the IANS website. The editor is also responsible for updating the website as needed.
o Time Commitment: 2hrs/ week
Serves to increase IANS and NSNA membership by reaching out to nursing schools in Indiana to start new local SNA chapters or getting those not involved to joining by educating them on the benefits of IANS and promoting the annual convention
o Time Commitment: 2hrs/ week
Responsible for creating and updating the bylaws and policies of IANS. They also ensure each member and IANS a whole is abiding by these bylaws and policies.
o Time Commitment: 3hrs/ week
The main duty is to plan for the next election of board members, which takes place at the annual convention. This entails comprising the correct number of delegates, getting nominations for the election, creating a ballot, and running the election meeting.
o Time Commitment: 3hrs/ week
Works closely with the Vice President to plan the convention
o Time Commitment: 3hrs/ week